Как вас зовут? *

Как с вами связаться? *

Если вам не нужно предлагать уроки, поставьте нули. Вы всё равно сможете пройти тест.

_____ David your friend?

I have ______.

There _____ any cars in the car park.

_____ is he unhappy? I don't know.

Sarah is a champion. She ____ wins.

Do you have ___ umbrella?

____ you help me, please?

I can ____ a bicycle.

This is Melissa, she is ____ .

I ____ some chocolate in my bag.

Carol _____ in a school. She's a teacher.

I'm busy, I _____.

Sorry, can you ____ that again, please?

It ____ very cold yeasterday.

I think I ____ my bag on the train.

Germany is ______ than Italy.

I ____ play the piano when I was at school.

_____ you fly to France last year?

What are you _____ eat tonight?

I have never _____ this film.

My car is old. I _____ buy a new one.

You don't _____ bring a dictionary. You can use mine.

Your new song is _____ fantastic!

Wow! I've ___ half the test!

Rats are _____ swimmers than cats.

Chris wasn't at work ____ Monday.

I really enjoy _____.

James _____ his car when you called, so he couldn't answer.

Vets are doctors ____ help animals.

There are ____ people at the beach than yesterday.

If you _____ study, you won't pass your exam.

This book is so _____ !

I usually have _____ milk in my coffee.

The hotel _____ this weekend for a wedding.

I'm sorry, I'm _____ to accept your offer.

The exploration team ____ from the Arctic last week.

I don't think the government ___ to the proposal.

I would never do this job ____ they offered a higher salary.

A squash racket is similar ____ a tennis racket.

- Hello. Can I speak to Miss Jones? - ____.

The First World War wasn't _____ as the Second World War.

By now, Steve _____ in twelve countries.

The project needs further ____ before we can agree on a budget.

How many exams _____ this year?

Ali is a workaholic. He ___ the hardest-working person I know.

Don't worry. There are ____ of people who like it.

A Bentley is _____ than a Volkswagen.

The journalist asked my what _____ in India.

You ____ asked Henry before borrowing his guitar.

I've been living here for five years, but I still haven't ____ to local food.